How to Get Rid of Fleas with Cedarcide: 3 Steps
While a flea or two isn’t usually a cause for panic, if left untreated they can quickly become the worst bug problem you’ve ever faced. Given that a single female flea can produce a population of over 20,000 in just 60 days, it’s not hard to see how fast things can get out of hand. All of which is to say, if you think you might have fleas, you need to act immediately.
How to Get Ready for Flea & Tick Season: 3 Steps
The warm weather's here and so are the fleas and ticks. Here are 3 tips to protect you, your pets, family, and your home from these troublesome pests.
How to Prevent Tick Bites: 3 Easy Steps
Don’t worry, we have your back. Here are 3 tips to prevent potentially life-altering bites and keep ticks away from you and your pets through fall and winter.
7 Scary Deets About DEET
DEET is arguably the most popular bug repellent in the world. While DEET has one of the safer reputations among synthetic insecticides, it’s still an artificial chemical, and something we suggest thinking twice about before using around yourself, your family and pets.
5 Ways to Reduce Your Pet's Exposure to Harmful Chemicals
Many common items we consider safe—from air fresheners to plastic pet toys—actually contain toxins that can poison our cats and dogs, resulting in illness, sometimes even death. Thankfully, by being just a little more conscious, we can help make our pet’s environments safer and much less toxic
4 Quick Tips to Protect You and Your Pets from Bug Bites
Spring is here and summer is just around the corner—which means bugs and bug bites are becoming increasingly more common. Seasonal vacations, backyard partying, and outdoor fun like hiking and camping all expose you, your family and pets to potentially harmful pests.
5 Essential Oil Safety Tips for Dogs
Essential oils are becoming increasingly popular in the world of natural pet care. When used correctly, essential oils offer a chemical-free alternative to help address inflammation, infection, anxiety and countless other pet concerns. However, as with any remedy natural or not, when used incorrectly essential oils can do more harm than good.
5 Reasons You Should Microchip Your Dog
Statistically, microchipping is a pet parent’s best defense against losing their furry loved one forever. This simple implant of a rice-sized chip is strongly encouraged by vets, rescues and animal welfare organizations the world over.
10 Essential Oils Awesome for Natural Pet Care
Over the last few decades, Essential oils have become a popular way to naturally improve physical health and mental wellbeing.
How to Tell if Your Dog is Overheating (And What You Can Do About It)
Heat is the biggest risk your dog faces in the summer. Overheating can come on quickly and the results can be devastating, including organ failure, stroke, heart attack, permanent neurological damage, and even the loss of your pet.
5 Swimming Safety Tips for Dogs
Swimming with your dog might be the best thing about summer! But if you fail to take the proper precautions, swimming with your canine can turn un-fun very quickly.
10 Essential Summer Safety Tips for Dogs
Summer’s here and with it comes one of the best times of year to explore the outdoors with your pup! Swimming, hiking, road-tripping, camping—there’s no end to the thrilling activities you can share with your animal buddy.