Indoor Fogging Kit for Mites, Fleas, Ants and More

$400.00 $430.00

Save $100s on pest control services

The Indoor Fogging Kit is the all-in-one solution for controlling unwanted pests in your home.

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Product Information


Product Active Inert
Cedarcide Original Cedarwood Oil (10%)
Soybean Oil (10%)
Mineral Oil, Silica Hydrate & Isopropyl Myristate

Learn more about our ingredients


1 gallon of Cedarcide Original fogs approx. 1,800 sq. ft. and we recommend a minimum of 2 fogging treatments 5–7 days apart.

So for example, if your home is 1,800 sq. ft., you will need at least 2 gallons of Cedarcide Original to properly fog your home.


Does the Fogging Kit work against all bugs?

Our Fogging Kit with Cedarcide Original is powered by cedarwood oil, a naturally occurring pesticide that’s known to control a wide range of unwanted bugs. Original is third-party tested for fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, ants, mites, chiggers, roaches, wasps, and scorpions. However, our products have been popular for a larger range of pests for over 20 years.

Can I only use Cedarcide products in the fogger?

Nope! Our non-thermal fogger is pro-quality and highly versatile, so you’re free to use any product that’s suitable for non-thermal fogging.

Do I need to clean up after fogging?

Because Cedarcide Original dries quickly and doesn’t stain, typically no cleanup is required. In some cases, hard surfaces might still be slick, so exercise caution when returning home after fogging. If you do feel the need to clean after fogging, simple soap and water is sufficient.

Is it non-toxic?

Yes, like all Cedarcide products, our fogging kit was designed with people, pets and our planet in mind. The product you fog, Cedarcide Original, is family-safe and pet-friendly. When fogging with Cedarcide Original, remove people, pets and plants from the space until the fog has settled for at least 3 hours.



Prep for fogging by removing your pets and plants from your home. Turn off your AC heat fans, gas powered appliances, pilot lights, and all electronics. The less clutter and mess the better your results.


Unclamp the Tri-Jet Fogger, fill it two-thirds full with Cedarcide Original Bug Spray and replace the top. Set the dial between medium and high then put on the filter. Plug it in, turn it on and you're ready to go. Don't forget your mask!


Start fogging in the rooms farthest from your planned exit to avoid re-entering spaces you've already fogged. Once each room is fully fogged, turn off the fogger and set it down. Wait at least 3 hours for the fog to settle before returning to your home.

Exercise caution on hard floors, they could be slick. If food prep items like dishes were exposed to the fog, simply wash them with soap and water to ensure all bugs are gone. Fog again in 5-7 days if needed.
