While a flea or two isn’t usually a cause for panic, if left untreated they can quickly become one of the worst bug problems you’ve ever faced. Given that a single female flea can produce a population of over 20,000 in just 60 days, it’s not hard to see how fast things can get out of hand. All of which is to say, if you think you might have fleas, you need to act right away.
Whether you’re facing a stubborn flea issue or just in search of flea prevention tips, we got you covered. While prevention is simple and relatively quick, solving established flea problems usually involves persistence and consistency over several weeks. But don't stress, we're here to walk you through the process step-by-step—and you won't have to resort to poisonous pesticides or dangerous flea collars to get the job done.
Here's how to get rid of fleas in just 3 steps:
Did you know fleas are the #1 cause of skin problems in our pets!?
A dog or cat covered in hidden fleas and eggs is the quickest way to get a home and lawn full of these little bloodsuckers, making your pet our first stop in tackling your flea problem. Here’s how to protect your pets and prevent bites starting today.
Before going outside, lightly mist your dog’s coat with Cedarcide Original and then massage the spray into their fur. Don’t forget their toes, ears, and tail, too. For your pup’s face, avoid spraying and simply use your hands to apply instead. Repeat every 2-3 days for prevention, and daily for ongoing flea problems until the issue noticeably improves.
For cats, apply Cedarcide Original using your hands or with the Cedarcide Flea & Tick Brush. Reapply every 3-4 days or more as needed for ongoing flea issues.
To protect against irritating bites and to prevent you from accidentally spreading more fleas, apply Cedarcide Original to you and your family before outdoor activities. If you’re currently facing down a flea problem, apply every other day or more as needed.
If you noticed fleas on your dog or cat, we’ve got some bad news: fleas are most likely living and breeding in your lawn, too. After all, 95% of the fleas during a flea problem live somewhere other than your pet—that means your lawn and home. For this reason, it’s absolutely essential to treat your yard when solving a flea problem.
Start by thoroughly spraying your entire front, back, and side yards with Cedarcide Outdoor Bug Control, including shrubbery, bases of trees, and anywhere else you suspect fleas might be hiding. Make sure to spray all outdoor areas in one session to prevent fleas from simply moving to another section of your lawn. For best results, repeat this process in two weeks and then move on to monthly applications afterward.
Then, for additional protection, spread Insect-Repelling Cedar Granules throughout your outdoor space, especially in and around the areas where you, your pets and family spend the most time.
If you live in a warmer region such as the South, applications should be done every month unless the temperature drops below freezing for more than a few weeks. If you live in a state prone to cold spells, start spraying monthly in late February and then taper off in November as winter really starts to set in.
Because Outdoor Bug Control and Insect-Repelling Cedar Granules are plant-based and family-safe, no downtime is necessary. You, your family, and pets can enjoy your lawn right after application!
While minor flea issues can often be solved by consistently treating your lawn, pet, and indoor pet spaces, for developed flea problems you’ll probably need to treat your entire home. If you’ve been dealing with fleas for several weeks or months, chances are fleas and flea eggs are now hidden all throughout your house, including your furniture, carpeting, bedding, curtains, rugs, and more.
If your flea problem is new and small, we suggest starting by spot treating indoor pet spaces and any bedding, flooring, and furniture that your pets frequently use. This is where the majority of the fleas are breeding and hiding. Simply spray these spaces with Cedarcide Original every 5-7 days or more often as needed until your issue improves. A quick spray of Cedarcide Original is also great for killing any fleas you see inside.
PRO TIP: Daily vacuuming can be a big help when it comes to solving a flea problem. Just make sure to clean and thoroughly empty the vacuum outside after each use, otherwise you risk the fleas breeding inside your vacuum and finding a way back into your home.
If your flea problem is more serious and long-lasting, we suggest treating your entire indoor space, with fogging being the quickest and most cost effective option. With the easy-to-use Cedarcide Fogging Kit, fog your entire home, starting with the rooms farthest from your planned exit. After fogging each space, including bathrooms, pantries, and cabinets, close them up and move onto the next area. Be sure to aim the fogger directly at furniture, rugs, carpeting, and bedding you suspect of flea activity.
After fogging your home, close the front door and return in 3 hours. We suggest repeating this process—fogging your entire home—after 5-7 days. This will give any remaining fleas and flea eggs the opportunity to re-emerge before your next fogging treatment.

The difference between preventing a flea problem and solving one is usually a significant amount of money, time, and a few dozen gray hairs. In other words, it’s much easier to prevent fleas than it is to tackle a large, ongoing issue. Here are some simple precautions you can take to help prevent future flea problems.
- Before venturing outdoors, especially in tall grass, wooded areas, and unfamiliar pet spaces like dog parks, spray your pets and yourself with our family and pet-safe repellent, Cedarcide Original.
- Check your pets for signs of fleas every few days, especially after returning from walks, playdates with other animals, and outdoor exploring. Apply Cedarcide Original to kill any fleas you find and re-apply to prevent bites as needed.
- Treat your yard, including shrubbery and bases of trees, monthly with the family-safe Bug-Free Lawn Kit.
- Treat your home, especially pet spaces, monthly. Spray doorways, windowsills, dog beds, furniture, baseboards, and carpeting your pets frequent with Cedarcide Original to prevent fleas from living and breeding in your home.
- Wildlife like deer, raccoons, and coyotes commonly bring fleas into our yards. Help deter these carriers by installing fencing, keeping outdoor trash cans and recycling bins firmly sealed, and removing plants that attract wild animals, such as beans, roses, corn, apples, peas, tulips, etc.
- The better maintained and organized your lawn, the fewer flea problems you’ll experience. Mow, weed eat, and trim shrubbery regularly and remove unnecessary clutter like woodpiles, brush, leaves, and unused gear and equipment.