Cedarcide Blog Post Image, How to Protect Your Deck & Fencing from Snow and Cold Weather

How to Protect Your Deck & Fencing from Snow and Cold Weather

Moisture damage, rot, decay, warping, cracking, swelling & shrinking—snow, sleet, ice, and cold weather can do a number on our fences, decks, outbuildings, garden boxes, and other wooden projects, costing us tons of money once spring returns.
Jonathan Patrick
Cedarcide Blog Post Image, Hot to Get Rid of Boxelder Bugs: 3 Steps

How to Get Rid of Boxelder Bugs: 3 Steps

During the warm months, the small orange and black insects known as boxelder bugs go mostly unnoticed. However, once the leaves start to turn and temperatures drop, these annoying, odor-causing pests begin to emerge in search of warmth, often in disturbingly large numbers.
Jonathan Patrick
Cedarcide Blog Post Image, These Are the Fall Pests You Need to Worry About

These Are the Fall Pests You Need to Worry About

The chirp of crickets can be a seasonal pleasure, but when your home’s haunted with that noise all night long, it’s certainly an unwelcome intrusion. A home full of dozens of dead and decaying crickets is really gross, too.
Jonathan Patrick
Cedarcide Blog Post Image, How to Get Rid of Squirrels Humanely and Naturally

How to Get Rid of Squirrels Humanely and Naturally

Enter the squirrel. They’re cute and seemingly harmless, but when they invade our homes and lawns they can cause costly property damage, not to mention spread fleas, ticks, and other pests to our pets and families.
Corinna Henderson
Cedarcide Blog Post Image, How to Get Rid of Japanese Beetles

How to Get Rid of Japanese Beetles: 3 Steps

Japanese Beetles and their larval grub form are arguably the most destructive garden pests you can face, capable of destroying your entire lawn or garden in only a matter of days. Here’s how to control Japanese beetles with just 3 simple steps. 
Corinna Henderson
Cedarcide Blog Post Image, How to Get Rid of Fleas with Cedarcide: 3 Steps

How to Get Rid of Fleas with Cedarcide: 3 Steps

While a flea or two isn’t usually a cause for panic, if left untreated they can quickly become the worst bug problem you’ve ever faced. Given that a single female flea can produce a population of over 20,000 in just 60 days, it’s not hard to see how fast things can get out of hand. All of which is to say, if you think you might have fleas, you need to act immediately.
Jonathan Patrick
Cedarcide Blog Post Image, How to Get Rid of Carpenter Ants: 3 Steps

How to Get Rid of Carpenter Ants: 3 Steps

If you think you might have carpenter ants, there’s no time to spare, so let’s get right to the point. Once you locate the colony, getting rid of carpenter ants with Cedarcide is straightforward and best of all it doesn’t involve exposing your family or pets to poisonous pesticides. Here’s how to get rid of and prevent carpenter ants with Cedarcide in 3 simple steps:
Corinna Henderson
Cedarcide Blog Post Image, How to Get Rid of Powderpost Beetles Naturally

How to Check for & Get Rid of Powderpost Beetles

Second in damage only to termites, powderpost beetles can do a number on your home’s wooden structure, its furniture, fencing, and more. Hard, soft, old, new—powderpost beetles aren’t picky and will eat nearly any type of wood. They’re known to damage books and other valuables like paintings, too. 
Corinna Henderson
Cedarcide Blog Post Image, What Are No-See-Ums

What Are No-See-Ums? And How to Get Rid of Them

Also known as biting midges or sandflies, no-see-ums are a family of small flies that resemble gnats and mostly feed on plant nectar. If their name didn’t give it away, they’re often impossible to see, as they're usually no more than 1–3 mm in size (about the size of the point of a pencil!). In fact, most people don’t realize they’ve encountered these bugs until they start to itch. You see, just like mosquitoes, female no-see-ums bite and drink blood, which they require to lay eggs. 
Jonathan Patrick
Cedarcide Blog Post Image, "The Best Wood Protection on the Market," All Your Cedarshield Questions Answered

"The Best Wood Protection on the Market," All Your Cedarshield Questions Answered

Decks, fencing, furniture, garden boxes, docks—our increasingly popular wood treatment, Cedarshield, can strengthen and increase the life of any woodworking project, including both hard and soft wood.
Jonathan Patrick
Cedarcide Blog Post Image, How to Get Rid of Grubs Naturally

How to Get Rid of Grubs without Harsh Chemicals

Worried you might have grubs or could in the future? Currently struggling with an ongoing grub problem and not sure what to do? We have your back. Below you’ll learn how to identify, prevent, and get rid of grubs without exposing your family or pets to poisonous pesticides.
Jonathan Patrick
Cedarcide Blog Post Image, How to Get Rid of June Bugs Naturally

How to Get Rid of June Bugs Naturally

We all know June bugs, those annoying, buzzing beetles that despite centuries of evolution still haven’t quite figured out how to yet. But did you know the term “June bug” actually includes a wide variety of plant-eating beetles, including the infamously damaging Japanese beetle?
Corinna Henderson