Cedarcide Blog Post Image, 7 Reasons Your Dog Has Diarrhea, And What You Can Do About It

7 Reasons Your Dog Has Diarrhea, And What You Can Do About It

Part of being a doggy parent is dealing with doggy diarrhea. Identifying the cause is crucial to relieving this unpleasant condition as soon as possible—plus, you might just be able to prevent it from happening again.
Corinna Henderson
Tagged: Pets
Cedarcide Blog Post Image, 5 Potty Training Mistakes You're Making With Your Puppy

5 Potty Training Mistakes You're Making With Your Puppy

Potty training a puppy or new rescue is not easy. It takes dedication, consistency and lots and lots of patience. Here’s 5 common potty training mistakes you'll want to avoid. 
Corinna Henderson
Tagged: Pets
Cedarcide Blog Post Image, What You Need to Know About Mange

What You Need to Know About Mange

Mange is a skin disorder caused by parasitic mites. There are two types: Demodectic mange (also known as red mange) and Sarcoptic mange, sometimes called scabies.
Corinna Henderson
Cedarcide Blog Post Image, 5 Common Raw Feeding Mistakes

5 Common Raw Feeding Mistakes

As puppy parents, we're more informed than ever before—especially when it comes to our dogs' diets. The traditional, kibble-based diet most pet owners have been using for years is not the ideal way to feed our pups. Kibble is almost always high in starch, carbohydrates, chemical preservatives, and other processed ingredients that should be avoided.
Corinna Henderson
Cedarcide Blog Post Image, What You Need to Know About Dog Ear Infections

What You Need to Know About Dog Ear Infections

If you have a dog, chances are you’ll face an ear infection sooner or later. Dog ear infections are common. In fact, they’re arguably the leading cause of veterinary visits in the U.S. They’re painful for our pups and have a nasty habit of recurring, again and again.
Corinna Henderson
Tagged: Pets
Cedarcide Blog Post Image, 9 Tips for Dealing With Your Dog's Separation Anxiety

9 Tips for Dealing With Your Dog's Separation Anxiety

Does your dog bark or howl excessively when you leave? Do they chew and scratch up furniture while you’re gone? If these behaviors coincide with constant potty accidents, and intense panting and salivation, you might be facing separation anxiety. Whether caused by past trauma, learned behaviors or inexperience, separation anxiety can happen out of nowhere.
Corinna Henderson
Tagged: Pets
Cedarcide Blog Post Image, What You Need to Know About Ear Mites

What You Need to Know About Ear Mites

While there are several kinds of mites that can live in your cat or dog's ears, “ear mites” usually refers to a specific type, Otodectes cynotis (an infestation with this mite is called “otodectic mange”).
Corinna Henderson
Cedarcide Blog Post Image, 7 Ways to Freshen Your Dog's Breath Naturally

7 Ways to Freshen Your Dog's Breath Naturally

We all love doggy kisses but wouldn’t it be great if they smelled just a little better? While unusually foul breath can be an indicator of an underlying health condition (if it seems really out of the ordinary, visit your vet ASAP), most forms of bad breath are easily fixable.
Corinna Henderson
Cedarcide Blog Post Image, 7 Natural Tips for Calming an Anxious Dog

7 Natural Tips for Calming an Anxious Dog

While an overly energetic or nervous dog can be overwhelming, there are several ways to help your pooch out in such situations. The next time your dog’s suffering from anxiety, try one of these natural methods to calm them down.
Corinna Henderson
Cedarcide Blog Post Image, What is Dog Flu? And What You Can Do About It

What is Dog Flu? And What You Can Do About It

It has been a rough flu season for us humans. But did you know dogs can catch the flu, too? Just like the normal flu, dog flu is an illness that mostly affects the respiratory system, resulting in coughing, sniffling, malaise, and in rare cases death. Educating yourself about dog flu—its risks and symptoms—is the best way to protect your pup from the virus. Here’s what you need to know. 
Corinna Henderson
Tagged: Pets
Cedarcide Blog Post Image, 10 Cats for People With Allergies

10 Cats for People With Allergies

While no cat is completely hypoallergenic, if you love cats but suffer allergies there’s no cause for concern. There are several breeds that might work for you. But why are some people allergic to cats in the first place? The answer mostly comes down to a single protein, Fel d 1, which is the primary cat allergen. Saliva, urine, skin, dander—all carry this allergy triggering protein. Some cats produce less of this protein than others, and other cats shed less, making the spread of the Fel d 1 protein less extensive. Essentially, all hypoallergenic felines fall somewhere in this range. Here's 10 of our favorites.
Corinna Henderson
Tagged: Pets
Cedarcide Blog Post Image, How Cold is Too Cold for Your Dog?

How Cold is Too Cold for Your Dog?

The coldest days of the year are here—and this can be a confusing time for dog owners. Many questions arise when it comes to our dogs and potentially dangerous weather.
Corinna Henderson