Gnat is a general term for a variety of small two-winged flies, including fruit flies, fungus gnats, drain flies, and more. They're those annoying insects that swarm in large clouds outdoors, and often linger around trash cans, fruit bowls, kitchens and bathrooms inside your home. Some even pack a painful, itch-inducing bite.
A single gnat sneaking through your window screen or a few eggs brought in on a piece of fruit can lead to a gnat problem you'll struggle with all spring, summer and fall.
Alarmingly, each female can lay up to 1,000 eggs in its 10-day lifespan. So unless you want a few thousand new roommates, read below to learn how to kill, repel, and prevent gnats without exposing your family or pets to toxic pesticides.
Having swarms of gnats in your yard can make lawn work and outdoor entertaining miserable activities. But don't worry, we're not going to let that happen to you. Here's how to reclaim your lawn and get the gnat-free yard you and your family deserve.
First, let's prep your yard. It's simple: the more cluttered, overgrown and moist your lawn, the more gnats you're going to experience. So before we spray your lawn for bugs, you'll want to clean it up by trimming shrubbery and removing bug-attractants like piles of leaves, wood, and brush—plus any items that collect rainwater or produce moisture, such as unused equipment, gear, appliances, as well as leaky hoses and plumbing.
Next, spray your entire lawn—including shrubbery, mulch beds and bases of trees—with family-safe, pet-friendly Outdoor Bug Control. Apply twice the first month, two weeks apart, and then just once a month after that until freezing temperatures return.

For best results, start spraying as soon as the weather first warms (March or April) and keep applying until freezing conditions return (November or December). If you live in a warmer region like The South, monthly treatments should be done all year long.
For additional bug protection, broadcast Bug-Repelling Cedar Granulesthroughout your yard and garden.
The easiest and most efficient way to kill indoor gnats is to trap them. Using their attraction to rotting sugars against them, pour some vinegar or wine into a small cup along with a few drops of dish soap. The liquid will draw them in and the soap will make it impossible to escape.
The above trap will work for most types of gnats. However, if the trap doesn't get rid of your gnat problem, the following steps will take care of the rest.
To kill drain flies, spray your sink and down into your drain with a 1-to-3 mixture of water to standard 5% vinegar. A kettle-worth of boiling water will also do the trick. Then, deep clean your drain and sink, and follow that up by lightly spraying your drain with Cedarcide All-Purpose Bug Spray (just 2-3 trigger sprays). This will help to kill any remaining drain flies and keep away those that were gone when you cleaned the drain.
To kill and prevent fungus gnats on and around indoor plants, lightly mist your houseplants and their soil with Cedarcide All-Purpose Bug Spray once each week, or more often as needed.
For any other gnats or flying bugs you see, a quick direct spray with All-Purpose Bug Spray or Cedarcide Original is all it takes.

To repel gnats, spray common trouble spots like sinks, trash cans, countertops, bathrooms, kitchens and known entry points like window sills, doorways, and dog doors with All-Purpose Bug Spray or Cedarcide Original weekly until your gnats are gone.
The following tips will help you avoid future gnat problems.
- Inspect groceries for signs of bugs before bringing them home and consider storing all produce in the fridge.
- Avoid leaving dirty dishes and food in the sink, and clean up food and drink spills right away.
- Thoroughly rinse recyclables before tossing them in the bin.
- Periodically clean trash and recycling bins, and take them out frequently.
- Clean and dry items like mops, rags, sponges, and scrubbers after each use.
- Keep your lawn clean and tidy: moisture, dense greenery, and organic matter like dying plants, fruits, veggies, and pet poop attract gnats.
- Stay up on laundry and keep your laundry room clean and dry.
- Fix or repair door and window seals and screens immediately.
- Replace traditional outdoor light bulbs with those that don't attract bugs, like sodium bulbs or LEDs.
- If you garden, harvest your fruits and veggies often, and quickly remove overripe items.
- Quickly repair leaky plumbing both inside and outside your home.
- Keep all outdoor trash cans and compost bins at least 15 feet away from your home.
- Protect yourself from biting gnats by applying Cedarcide All-Purpose Bug Spray, Cedarcide Original, or Extra Strength Tickshield Bug Spray before outdoor activities.