There’s one surprise nobody wants this holiday season: Bugs!
Unfortunately, if you’re removing decorations from storage or buying a Christmas tree, you're going to encounter bugs, whether you notice them or not.
Don’t want spiders, beetles, mites, or other creepy crawlies over for the holidays? Us either. Here’s how to make sure it doesn’t happen to you.
Traveling and entertaining guests are among the top ways to pick up bugs—especially biting bugs—during the holidays. A few bugs or eggs hitch a ride smuggled inside a guest’s luggage, clothing, or on their pets—and BAM, before you know it, you got bugs everywhere. Unfortunately, staying at a hotel or friend or family member’s home is just as risky.
Thankfully, preventing the spread of bugs in the ways outlined above is quick and easy. Simply mist your luggage with Cedarcide Original when traveling—both when you arrive and again as you leave—and launder everything promptly upon returning home. As far as guests are concerned, simply request to mist their luggage upon arrival or quickly apply Cedarcide Original to the rooms they stayed in once they leave (and launder their bedding afterward, too).
Webbing, bird nests, cocoons, egg sacs, adult bugs, even squirrels and other rodents are all known to hide in Christmas trees. Yuck, right!?
Thankfully avoiding these little disasters is super easy. All you need to do is thoroughly inspect your chosen tree at the lot before bringing it home, or at the very least, in your lawn before moving it inside. Look closely through the branches and trunk for signs of pests, like webbing, eggs, pest damage, and of course actual bugs and rodents. If you see anything suspicious, it’s best to select another tree, regardless of what the employees at the store might tell you. Similarly, natural wreaths, garland, and other greenery can conceal hidden hitchhikers, too, so give them a good once over as well.
If you’re worried your Christmas tree or greenery might have bugs, don’t worry, we have you covered. Before applying lights or delicate decorations, simply mist your tree all over with plant-safe All-Purpose Bug Spray (if your tree is synthetic, Cedarcide Original is also a great choice). It’s that easy! Not only will this kill any hidden bugs, it will help protect your greenery from future creepy crawlies.

Because holiday decorations are usually stored in pest-friendly spaces like attics, garages, and basements, it’s a good idea to check them for bugs and unpack them outside before using them.
Exercise caution, though, as venomous spiders like brown recluses and black widows are among the possible stowaways. We suggest wearing some hand protection like gardening gloves during the process, too, just in case.
If you’re squeamish about inspecting these items by hand or suspect that bugs are indeed in your decorations, you can simply leave them on your porch, patio, deck, or balcony to rest for 24 hours. This will give any hidden hitchhikers the chance to escape your decorations before you bring them inside. Follow up by giving your decorations a good misting with Cedarcide Original to keep them bug free (for delicate items, test on a small area first).
Of course, the best way to avoid bugs in your holiday decorations is to store them correctly, and we’ll show you exactly how to do that in the section below.
It’s simple: properly stored holiday decorations are far less likely to harbor pests.
Start by inspecting each item before storing it to verify that it’s pest-free. Next, always use hard plastic containers with tight-fitting lids. Avoid cardboard boxes, as these are easily penetrated by pests, and actually serve as an attractant and food source for many types of bugs. Avoid storing organic items like candy canes, pine cones, and natural wreaths, too.
Lastly, choose a storage location that’s already known to be pest free, or simply remove and repel bugs from the area with a quick spray of family-safe Cedarcide Original (which can be safely used all throughout your home, including carpeting, fabrics, furniture, and more).
The best way to prevent indoor bugs? Target them at the source: outside. While monthly lawn treatments for killing and repelling outdoor bugs are typically only required from February to November, if you live in a warmer climate or it’s still warm in your region, we strongly suggest spraying your lawn again now. Doing so might just save you and your guests from unwanted buggy visitors.
To protect your lawn from biting and damaging bugs (which will also help prevent indoor bug problems), treat your entire yard with the Bug-Free Lawn Kit monthly until you experience two consecutive weeks of freezing temperatures. Make sure to treat shrubbery and bases of trees, too. Then, simply start back with monthly treatments when the warm weather returns.
Fires are just the greatest, especially this time of year. They’re cozy, nostalgic, and a great excuse to circle up with friends and family to celebrate the holidays. Unfortunately, firewood can also spell big trouble when it comes to winter pests.
Firstly, firewood is among the most common ways bugs hitch a ride into our homes during the fall and winter. Fortunately, a simple inspection before bringing a bundle inside is usually sufficient for preventing pest problems. Secondly, firewood can cause outdoor bug problems, too. Much like mulch, leaf piles, and dense shrubbery, firewood is a favorite hideout for all sorts of pests, including spiders, scorpions, rodents, wasps, ticks, ants, termites, and more. For this reason, it’s good practice to store firewood no closer than 20 feet from your home, preferably on a raised platform that keeps the logs off the ground.